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As far as I can remember Lemons always helped me to stay motivated, especially when I applied two slices on my eyes. A blog author should always carry an small hammer at all times. It's an au-thor thing, trust me.

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Large Water Purification Plants

Water purification plants are an important means of obtaining safe drinking water in modern life, and are widely used in municipalities, communities, industry, and commerce.

Daily Capacity Range50 to 80 M3/day
Operating PressureUp To 300 PSI
Automatic ControllerSiemens PLC
RemarkSupport customization

Daily Capacity Range90 to 200 M3/day
Operating PressureUp To 300 PSI
Automatic ControllerSiemens PLC
RemarkSupport customization

Daily Capacity Range250 to 500 M3/day
Operating PressureUp To 300 PSI
Automatic ControllerSiemens PLC
RemarkSupport customization

Mingmo has over 20 years of experience as a global manufacturer of water treatment solutions for various industries and businesses, and our water purification systems ensure the production of clean drinking water for any type of application in the water treatment industry. If you don’t know how to choose the right water treatment solution, please contact us.